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About Me

I studied Psychology as a mature student from 1990, gaining first a Certificate with Birkbeck College, University of London, Extra-Mural courses, and then studying for a degree full time at London School of Economics (also University of London), gaining B.Sc [Hons] Social Psychology in 1996.

Since completing my degree, I have gained Associated Examining Board Certificate in Counselling Theory and Skills. This was part of a long-term plan for professional development as a psychologist. However, for many years I have had an interest in Hypnotherapy and its application to Stress Management, and gained my Licence in October 1997.

I practice as a Hypnotherapist in the area around Croydon, Surrey, and can offer you Hypnotherapy, Reiki treatment, and NLP: I use all of these as appropriate to the needs of you, the client.

I can also offer Ayurvedic Massage - but for women only.

Vanessa Buck

Vanessa JM Buck

Tel: 01737 551558

Before going into full-time practice, I trained in Regression Therapy, as present-day stress is often related to blockages arising earlier in life. I also began training in NLP - Psychology of personal excellence and change - gaining my Practitioner Certificate in September 1999. I have gained NLP Presentation skills, and anticipate training as an NLP Master Practitioner.

Whilst training in NLP, I also became a Reiki Practitioner, taking Reiki I and Reiki II initiation. This was extended to Reiki IIIa: Master Healer in March 2000, and I attained Reiki IIIb: Master Teacher was in June 2000. As part of developing my Reiki techniques, I have studied sound and colour in its application to healing, studying with Chris James, International Teacher in Sacred Sound.

I regularly attend Continuing Professional Development courses to learn new techniques and sharpen up my abilities.

    --  January - March 2003: Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy.

    --  2004 - 2005: Life Coaching Certificate,

    --  October 2004: Certificate in Advanced Scientific Hypnotherapy (including rapid inductions),

    --  July 2005: Certificate in Sacred Esoteric Healing,

    --  October 2005: Certificate in Sound Healing Group Teaching,

    --  November 2005: Certificate in Thought Field Therapy.

    --  In May 2006, I qualified in Ayurvedic Full Body & Head Massage at Purley Ayurvedic Clinic

    --  In March 2007 I qualified in the use of Hypnotherapy for Natural Childbirth.

I helped my daughter-in-law through my grandson's birth using Hypnotherapy and she became a star pupil, staying chilled-out even during a dramatic delivery. As a result, I now also understand the application of hypnotherapy in preparation for surgery and other medical interventions.

I have been a Member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy since March 2004,

a Member of the International Stress Management Association since September 2004,

and a Member of the British Psychological Society since 1995.

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